Results for 'Philadelphia Baptist Association'

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  1. " Reality"-Problems associated with translating Romance languages.G. Baptist - 1999 - Hegel-Studien 34:85-98.
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  2. Dream Recall Frequency Is Associated With Medial Prefrontal Cortex White-Matter Density.Raphael Vallat, Jean-Baptiste Eichenlaub, Alain Nicolas & Perrine Ruby - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. Christ, a Home Missionary. A Discourse, Before the American Baptist Home Mission Society, Delivered at Their Annual Meeting, Held in the New-Market Street Baptist Church, in the City of Philadelphia, Tuesday, June 7, 1836.William R. Williams, John Gray & American Baptist Home Mission Society - 1836 - John Gray, Printer, No. 222 Water Street.
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    A Common Sense Defence of Ostrich Nominalism.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):71-93.
    When the meta-philosophies of Nominalism and Realism are compared, it is often said that Nominalism is motivated by a methodology of ontological economy, while Realism would be motivated by an appeal to Common Sense. In this paper, I argue that this association is misguided. After briefly comparing the meta-philosophy of Common Sense and the meta-philosophy of economy, I show that the core motivation in favour of Realism relies in fact in a principle of economy which violates the methodology of (...)
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    The Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a place of agon: Exploring children’s experiences of competitiveness in philosophical dialogue.Baptiste Roucau - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 9 (1):84-113.
    This paper explores an important yet overlooked aspect of Philosophy for Children : how children experience competitiveness in the Community of Philosophical Inquiry. It describes a qualitative case study conducted with 76 young people involved in CPI dialogues in formal and informal educational settings in Canada and New Zealand. Interviews and video observation revealed that participants often experienced dialogues as competitive exchanges in which ‘winning’ consisted of convincing others, while giving in to others’ opinions was associated with defeat and disappointment. (...)
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    Schizophrenia: Developmental Variability Interacts with Risk Factors to Cause the Disorder.Andrei Szoke, Baptiste Pignon, Sarah Boster, Stéphane Jamain & Franck Schürhoff - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000038.
    A new etiological model is proposed for schizophrenia that combines variability‐enhancing nonspecific factors acting during development with more specific risk factors. This model is better suited than the current etiological models of schizophrenia, based on the risk factors paradigm, for predicting and/or explaining several important findings about schizophrenia: high co‐morbidity rates, low specificity of many risk factors, and persistence in the population of the associated genetic polymorphisms. Compared with similar models, e.g., de‐canalization, common psychopathology factor, sexual‐selection, or differential sensitivity to (...)
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    La « prohairesis » chez Épictète :décision, volonté, ou « personne morale »?Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):93-134.
    The notion of prohairesis is one of the key notions of Epictetus’ Stoicism. While this notion was of minor importance in ancient Stoicism, being a kind of impulse consis­ting of a « choice before a choice » and was rarely associated with a broader meaning (to the noteworthy exception of Diogenes of Seleucia), Epictetus borrowed from Aristotelian philosophy a notion of prohairesis as a preferential choice strictly bound to the notion of eph’ hemin (« what depends on us »). But (...)
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    Lumières d'Albert Camus : enjeux et relectures.Jean-Baptiste Dussert, Maria de Jesus Cabral & Ana Clara Santos - 2012 - Le Manuscrit.
    Si le nom d’Albert Camus continue de s’imposer, aujourd’hui, comme une figure incontournable de la littérature et de la pensée françaises du XXe siècle, il n’en est pas moins demeuré une personnalité cosmopolite, sensible à ce que la culture ne s’accomplit véritablement qu’en l’absence de sectarisme, qu’en présence de l’autre — avec ou envers lui, peu importe. C’est aussi tout le sens de la collection « Exotopies » de l’Association portugaise des études françaises (A.P.E.F.) qu’inaugure ce volume : présenter (...)
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    Mobilisations écologiques.Jean-Baptiste Comby & Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: PUF.
    Les luttes autour de l'écologie sont-elles des combats politiques comme les autres? Longtemps perçues comme expertes et sectorisées, elles sont souvent décrites comme dépolitisées. En s'intéressant aux mobilisations écologiques, plutôt qu'à celles qui seraient le fait des seuls écologistes, cet ouvrage rend compte de leurs évolutions récentes. Aux côtés des mouvements portés par des militants des classes supérieures, se (re)déploient aujourd'hui des luttes environnementales menées par d'autres groupes sociaux - les femmes, les minorités ou les plus modestes. Ces mobilisations contemporaines, (...)
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    Le genre des Belles-mères et l’'ge des Anciens.Jean-Baptiste Eczet - 2022 - Clio 55 (55):141-159.
    Classical anthropology in East Africa has tended to associate pastoralism with a masculine ideology. Among the Mursi people however, women are clearly associated with success in the pastoral economy, if one considers the different ages in the life cycle. The social position of the Mother-in-law and the Elder, the culmination of a process of maturing which stresses social organization by age-set, suggests that gender relations may be a fruitful subject of inquiry. These personae allow us to understand why certain older (...)
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    Antoine, Cléop'tre, et les technites dionysiaques à Chypre.Jean‑Baptiste Cayla - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:313-336.
    Cet article propose une nouvelle datation pour trois dédicaces à Aphrodite Paphienne mentionnant les technites dionysiaques de Chypre. Les dieux Évergètes dont le culte est associé à celui de Dionysos sont certainement Antoine et Cléopâtre. À Paphos, ce culte singulier pourrait être consécutif à l’entrevue de Tarse racontée par Plutarque. Ces documents jettent un nouvel éclairage sur la période dite de la « restauration » lagide à Chypre.
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    Completeness of MLL Proof-Nets w.r.t. Weak Distributivity.Jean-Baptiste Joinet - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (1):159 - 170.
    We examine 'weak-distributivity' as a rewriting rule $??$ defined on multiplicative proof-structures (so, in particular, on multiplicative proof-nets: MLL). This rewriting does not preserve the type of proof-nets, but does nevertheless preserve their correctness. The specific contribution of this paper, is to give a direct proof of completeness for $??$: starting from a set of simple generators (proof-nets which are a n-ary ⊗ of &-ized axioms), any mono-conclusion MLL proof-net can be reached by $??$ rewriting (up to ⊗ and & (...)
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    The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A Set‐Theoretic Approach.Guy Politzer, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Claire Delle Luche & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):691-723.
    We present a set-theoretic model of the mental representation of classically quantified sentences (All P are Q, Some P are Q, Some P are not Q, and No P are Q). We take inclusion, exclusion, and their negations to be primitive concepts. We show that although these sentences are known to have a diagrammatic expres- sion (in the form of the Gergonne circles) that constitutes a semantic representation, these concepts can also be expressed syntactically in the form of algebraic formulas. (...)
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  14. The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A set-theoretic approach.Guy Politzer, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Claire Delle Luche & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):691-723.
    We present a set-theoretic model of the mental representation of classically quantified sentences (All P are Q, Some P are Q, Some P are not Q, and No P are Q). We take inclusion, exclusion, and their negations to be primitive concepts. It is shown that, although these sentences are known to have a diagrammatic expression (in the form of the Gergonne circles) which constitute a semantic representation, these concepts can also be expressed syntactically in the form of algebraic formulas. (...)
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    Thresholds Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Papers From the Philadelphia Association.Robin Cooper (ed.) - 1989 - Free Association Books.
    The Philadelphia Association is always linked with the name of R. D. Laing, one of its founders, but very little is known about its unorthodox contribution to the development of psychoanalysis. Founded in 1965, it took as its aim the relief of mental illnesss of all desciptions, in particular schizophrenia. At its inception it was a focus for people, with a diversity of backgrounds and interests, concerned with 'mental illness' and how society defines it. Its members - who (...)
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    You can laugh at everything, but not with everyone.Tiffany Morisseau, Martial Mermillod, Cécile Eymond, Jean-Baptiste Van Der Henst & Ira A. Noveck - 2017 - Latest Issue of Interaction Studies 18 (1):116-141.
    This paper explores the impact of group affiliation with respect to the on-line processing and appreciation of jokes, using facial electromyography activity and offline evaluations as dependent measures. Two experiments were conducted in which group affiliation varied between the participant and each of two independent speakers whose described political profiles were distinguished through one word: “Right” versus “Left.” Experiment 1 showed that jokes were more highly evaluated and that associated EMG activity was more intense when it was later determined that (...)
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    Annual meeting of the association for symbolic logic: Philadelphia 1981.Simon Kochen, Hugues Leblanc & Charles D. Parsons - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):898-910.
  18.  14
    Between Psychotherapy and Philosophy: Essays From the Philadelphia Association.Paul Gordon & Rosalind Mayo (eds.) - 2004 - Wiley.
    Since its formation in 1965, the Philadelphia Association has carved out a unique position in the world of psychotherapy, particularly through its engagement with philosophy, especially phenomenology and post-phenomenology. It has also developed and maintained a critical and sceptical questioning of much that is taken for granted both in the theory of psychoanalysis and in the various practices of psychotherapy. With contributions from leading members, this book shows some of the rich and provocative thinking within the Philadelphia (...)
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    “Tabitha”: The First Baptist Women's Association in Zagreb.Davorin Peterlin - 2007 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1 (2):247-272.
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    The Atthidographers Lionel Pearson: The Local Historians of Attica (Philological Monographs published by the American Philological Association, vol. xi). Pp. xii+164. Philadelphia: American Philological Association (Oxford: Blackwell), 1942. Cloth, $2.25. [REVIEW]Arnaldo Momigliano - 1943 - The Classical Review 57 (02):74-75.
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    (1 other version)Globalization & Vocational Education: Liberation, Liability, or Both? Reclaiming Class: Women, Poverty, and the Promise of Higher Education in America. Vivyan C. Adair and Sandra L. Dahlberg, eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003. 269 pp. 69.50(Hardcover), 22.95 (Paperback). Globalizing Education for Work: Comparative Perspectives on Gender and the New Economy. Richard D. Lakes and Patricia A. Carter, eds. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. 221 pp. 49.95(Hardcover ...). [REVIEW]J. M. Beach - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (3):270-281.
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    Servius Redivivus A. F. Stocker, A. H. Travis, and others: Servianorum in Vergilii carmina commentariorum editionis Harvardianae volumen iii. Pp. xiii+590. Philadelphia: for the American Philological Association, 1965. Cloth, £4. [REVIEW]J. F. Mountford - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (03):286-289.
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    Iphigeneia in Philadelphia.Barbara Burrell - 2005 - Classical Antiquity 24 (2):223-256.
    A long-misinterpreted Roman provincial coin shows a mythological scene in order to make a remarkable claim: that Iphigeneia, Orestes, and Pylades fled from the land of the Taurians to Philadelphia in Lydia , and there set up their stolen image, identified by the Philadelphians as their patron Artemis Anaitis. This Persianized goddess was generally depicted as an Anatolian image almost identical to the Artemis of Ephesos; it is the bond between the two goddesses that may be the immediate basis (...)
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    Conceived in chains: slavery and American philosophy Fighting for the Higher Law: Black and White Transcendentalists Against Slavery, Peter Wirzbicki. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021, 336 pp., $39.95(hb), ISBN: 9780812252910. [REVIEW]Ryan McIlhenny - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (2):471-483.
    Using Peter Wirzbicki's Fighting for the Higher Law as its analytic starting, this review essay considers the place of antislavery in the developments of American philosophy. Wirzbicki considers the role of African American Transcendentalists and their appeal to a “higher law,” a concept articulated significantly by a diverse group of thinkers associated with Transcendentalism. By 1850, such thinkers appropriated aspects of British and continental idealism, especially the relationship between “understanding” and “Reason,” to aggressively attack human chattel bondage. In doing so, (...)
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    Heaven Help Us.Aundrea Kay Guess & Carolyn Conn - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:421-430.
    Larry Barnes, Executive Director of the Southwest Missouri Baptist Association (SMBA), received a telephone call that no executive wants to receive. The pastor at Hilltop Baptist Church reported suspicions of embezzlement by the church bookkeeper. Whatever decision Barnes made in advising the pastor would impact Hilltop, the church members, the SMBA, and a number of stakeholders, including himself. His primary duty as Executive Director was to provide guidance and advice to pastors of SMBA churches, help them expand, (...)
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    Artificial womb technology and the frontiers of human reproduction: conceptual differences and potential implications.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (11):751-755.
    In 2017, a Philadelphia research team revealed the closest thing to an artificial womb the world had ever seen. The ‘biobag’, if as successful as early animal testing suggests, will change the face of neonatal intensive care. At present, premature neonates born earlier than 22 weeks have no hope of survival. For some time, there have been no significant improvements in mortality rates or incidences of long-term complications for preterms at the viability threshold. Artificial womb technology, that might change (...)
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  27. The Robust Volterra Principle.Michael Weisberg & Kenneth Reisman - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (1):106-131.
    Theorizing in ecology and evolution often proceeds via the construction of multiple idealized models. To determine whether a theoretical result actually depends on core features of the models and is not an artifact of simplifying assumptions, theorists have developed the technique of robustness analysis, the examination of multiple models looking for common predictions. A striking example of robustness analysis in ecology is the discovery of the Volterra Principle, which describes the effect of general biocides in predator-prey systems. This paper details (...)
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    The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 14, 1899 - 1924: Human Nature and Conduct 1922.John Dewey & Murray G. Murphey - 1983 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 11 brings together all of Dewey's writings for 1918 and 1919. A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition. Dewey's dominant theme in these pages is war and its after-math. In the Introduction, Oscar and Lilian Handlin discuss his philosophy within the historical context: The First World War slowly ground to its costly conclusion; and the immensely more difficult task of making peace got painfully under way. The armi-stice that some expected would permit a return to (...)
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  29. Remembering Robert Seydel.Lauren Haaftern-Schick & Sura Levine - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):141-144.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 141-144. This January, while preparing a new course, Robert Seydel was struck and killed by an unexpected heart attack. He was a critically under-appreciated artist and one of the most beloved and admired professors at Hampshire College. At the time of his passing, Seydel was on the brink of a major artistic and career milestone. His Book of Ruth was being prepared for publication by Siglio Press. His publisher describes the book as: “an alchemical assemblage that composes (...)
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    Introduction.John F. Donahue - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (3):325-326.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.3 (2003) 325-327 [Access article in PDF] Introduction John F. Donahue The present special issue of the American Journal of Philology takes as its focus dining in the Roman world. It grew out of the APA/AIA Joint Panel on that subject, which was part of the annual meeting held in Philadelphia in 2002. The topic is both timely and engaging. Indeed, owing largely to (...)
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  31. (1 other version)The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 11, 1899 - 1924: 1918-1919, Essays on China, Japan, and the War.Jo Ann Boydston (ed.) - 1982 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 11 brings together all of Dewey’s writings for 1918_ _and 1919._ __A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition._ Dewey’s dominant theme in these pages is war and its after­math. In the Introduction, Oscar and Lilian Handlin discuss his philosophy within the historical context: “The First World War slowly ground to its costly conclusion; and the immensely more difficult task of making peace got painfully under way. The armi­stice that some expected would permit a return to (...)
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    Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing.Michael Heim - 1987 - Yale University Press.
    In this book Michael Heim provides the first consistent philosophical basis for critically evaluating the impact of word processing on our use of and ideas about language. This edition includes a new foreword by David Gelernter, a new preface by the author, and an updated bibliography. "Not only important but seminal, on the cutting-edge, furrowing new conceptual territory."-Walter J. Ong, S.J. "A philosopher ponders how the word processor has affected language use and our ideas about it. Heim shrewdly updates a (...)
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    Historiography and the Cultural Study of Nineteenth-Century Biology.Robert J. Richards - unknown
    Historians, the good ones, mark a century by intellectual and social boundaries rather than by the turn of the calendar page. Only through fortuitous accident might occasions of consequence occur at the very beginning of a century. Imaginative historians do tend, however, to invest a date like 1800 with powers that attract events of significance. It is thus both fortunate and condign that Abiology@ came to linguistic and conceptual birth with the new century. Precisely in 1800, Karl Friedrich Burdach, a (...)
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    Covenants as an echo of the Eucharist. Typos of Lord’s Supper in the Old Testament.Sergiy Victorovich Sannikov - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:11-44.
    The article uses typological understanding of the Lord's Supper to analyze Old Testament text. Intertextual hermeneutics, which connects the lexical units of various parts of texts for comprehensive understanding allowed to see an echo of the Eucharist in Old Testament. One of the most expressive prototypes or typos of the Lord's Supper in the Old Testament is the idea of the Covenants and changing of the covenants. The author analyzes the concept of testament and all cases of using this term (...)
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    Putting the Law in Its Place: Business Ethics and the Assumption that Illegal Implies Unethical.Carson Young - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):35-51.
    Many business ethicists assume that if a type of conduct is illegal, then it is also unethical. This article scrutinizes that assumption, using the rideshare company Uber’s illegal operation in the city of Philadelphia as a case study. I argue that Uber’s unlawful conduct was permissible. I also argue that this position is not an extreme one: it is consistent with a variety of theoretical commitments in the analytic philosophical tradition regarding political obligation. I conclude by showing why business (...)
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    Fragmented Voices with Guilt and Apologies: Interrogating Narratives on Ordination of Women in Nagaland Churches.Ilito Achumi - 2022 - Feminist Theology 31 (1):51-64.
    The category ‘women’ is one of the majority members in the Nagaland churches of Northeast India. Institutionalization of associations and churches according to denominations has contributed to the bureaucratization of churches, arranging the church positions in vertical hierarchy. Today, churches in Nagaland struggle with complex gender hierarchies. Women are underrepresented in church leadership in Nagaland. Historically, Naga Women theologians have been absent in the process of licencing and ordination. This article attempts to explore both the structural dynamics and local practices (...)
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  37. Justice in medicine and public health.Rosamond Rhodes - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (1):13-26.
    a This paper is a revised and shortened version of my chapter, “Justice in Allocations for Terrorism, Biological Warfare, and Public Health” in Public Health Ethics, edited by Michael Boylan, Kluwer; 2004. Portions of this material were presented at the International Bioethics Retreat, Pavia, Italy, June 2003, and at the meetings of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, Philadelphia, September 2003.
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    Commemorating Royce — Revisiting The Royce Festschrift.Robin Friedman - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (2):201.
    It is an honor to participate in this commemoration of the centenary of the death of Josiah Royce. The commemoration provides an occasion for revisiting and reinterpreting Royce to find his continued significance. Once relegated to the margins of American philosophy, a growing group of scholars has been turning to Royce in recent years. The centenary provides an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the interest in Royce.1The first celebration of the body of Royce’s work took place on the (...)
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    Strategies for Increasing Participation of Diverse Consumers in a Community Seafood Program.Talia Young, Gabriel Cumming, Ellie Kerns, Kristin Hunter-Thomson, Harmony Lu, Tamara Manik-Perlman, Cassandra Manotham, Tasha Palacio, Narry Veang, Wenxin Weng, Feini Yin & Cara Cuite - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (3):1-21.
    Alternative food networks, such as farmers’ markets and community-supported agricultural and fishery programs, often struggle to reach beyond a consumer base that is predominantly white and affluent. This case study explores seven inclusion strategies deployed by a community-supported fishery program (Fishadelphia, in Philadelphia, PA, USA) including discounting prices, accepting payment in multiple forms and schedules, offering a range of product types, communicating and recruiting through a variety of media (especially in person), and choosing local institutions and people of color (...)
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    Pronoun Use in Finnish Reported Speech and Free Indirect Discourse: Effects of Logophoricity.Elsi Kaiser - 2017 - In Pritty Patel-Grosz, Patrick Georg Grosz & Sarah Zobel, Pronouns in Embedded Contexts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 75-104.
    Many languages have logophoric pronouns which refer to the person whose speech, thoughts or feelings are being reported, and some languages also have antilogophoric pronouns. This paper investigates logophoricity in the pronominal system of Finnish, in particular in reported speech and free indirect discourse. I first show that the referential patterns exhibited of two types of third person pronouns in Finnish – the human third-person pronoun hän and the non-human third person pronoun se, which can also be used for human (...)
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    Parties Settle in HIV Claim under ADA.C. L. K. - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (3):298-299.
    On October 31, 1994, it was announced that a confidential settlement had been reached in Doe v. Kohn, Nast & Graf, P.C., et al., 862F. Supp. 1310 ). The settlement in ths widely publicized AIDS discrimination case came three weeks after the trial began in the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Nov. 2, 1994, at 10).Plaintiff Doe, an associate employed at Kohn, Nast & Graf, a prominent law firm in Philadelphia, filed an AIDS discrimination case under (...)
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    Pirates and PMCs.George R. Lucas - 2009 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (1):87-94.
    Originally presented at a forum sponsored by Concerned Philosophers for Peace at the Eastern Division annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association (Philadelphia, PA: 29 December 2008), this essay discusses two ethical challenges in foreign policy likely to be confronted by the new U.S. presidential administration. The increased reliance on private military contractors, including security contractors, poses a number of difficulties, the most troubling of which is the erosion of civil-military relations. Modern military campaigns cannot be waged without (...)
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    Material Culture, Cultural Material.Sidney Mintz - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (188):16-21.
    ‘I am not yet so lost in lexicography as to forget that words are the daughters of earth, and that things are the sons of heaven. Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas.’Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language.When asked to write for a special issue of Diogenes to be entitled ‘Anthropology: The Reluctant science?’ I was reminded of a remark made to me over dinner by my friend of more than (...)
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    Value and Selfhood: Pragmatism, Confucianism, and Phenomenology.Robert Cummings Neville - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (1-2):197-212.
    This article articulates a dialogue between Edward Casey, Cheng Chung-ying, and me that began at the Eastern Division annual meeting in Philadelphia of the American Philosophical Association, in a session sponsored by the International Society for Chinese Philosophy. There, we read brief versions of the papers presented in this issue and commented on one another. Casey represented Continental phenomenology, Cheng the Chinese tradition as he has developed it into onto-generative hermeneutics, and I the melding of American pragmatic and (...)
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    Whatever Happened to Human Experimentation?Carl Elliott - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):8-11.
    Several years ago, the University of Minnesota hosted a lecture by Alan Milstein, a Philadelphia attorney specializing in clinical trial litigation. Milstein, who does not mince words, insisted on calling research studies “experiments.” “Don't call it a study,” Milstein said. “Don't call it a clinical trial. Call it what it is. It's an experiment.” Milstein's comments made me wonder: when was the last time I heard an ongoing research study described as a “human experiment”? The phrase is now almost (...)
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    Our Living Society.James Campbell - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (3):128-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Our Living SocietyJames CampbellIWhen I was working on my history of the early years of the American Philosophical Association (A Thoughtful Profession), I spent a great deal of time immersed in the unhappy genre of the presidential address. Three divisions, each with its own annual president, make for a lot of presidential addresses. One of the things that I learned from this effort was that these addresses can (...)
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    Basic Resources in Bioethics.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (1):75-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Basic Resources in Bioethics*Mary Carrington Coutts (bio)OrganizationsKennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature 800-MED-ETHX or 202-687-3885The Hastings Center 255 Elm Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 914-762-8500Society for Health and Human Values 6728 Old McLean Village Drive McLean, VA 22101 703-556-9222NOTE: There are numerous organizations in the United States and abroad that deal with bioethical issues. For a more comprehensive listing of (...)
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    The mystery of Christ: Clue to Paul's thinking on wisdom.Robert Hill - 1984 - Heythrop Journal 25 (4):475–483.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Introduction to the Critical Study of the Text of the Hebrew Bible. By J. Weingreen. Pp.vii, 103, Oxford, Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1982, £5.50. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel. By Yohanan Aharoni. Pp.xx, 344, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1982, $27.50, $18.95 ; London, SCM Press, 1982, £12.50. A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. By Terence J. Keegan. Pp.183, New York, Paulist Press, and Leominster, Fowler Wright Books, 1981, £4.45. (...)
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural Philosophy (...)
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    Does Tillich Have A Hidden Debt To Kant?Stephen R. Palmquist - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 21 (3):73-88.
    After briefly recounting a strange, quasi-mystical experience I had while first reading Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, I devote most of this article to exploring various similarities between theories Kant developed and ideas more commonly associated with Paul Tillich. Hints are drawn from Chris Firestone’s book, Kant and Theology at the Boundaries of Reason, which argues that my interpretation of Kant echoes themes in Tillich’s ontology. Among the themes whose Kantian roots I explore are Tillich’s theories of: God as (...)
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